A Harmony Validator with an Auto-Compounding Feature. OpenSwap's latest update puts your delegated $ONE rewards to work.

09 Feb 2022, 21:00
A Harmony Validator with an Auto-Compounding Feature OpenSwap's latest update puts your delegated $ONE rewards to work. Auto-compounds them into LP tokens AND automatically stakes them on OpenSwap. Guide:https://link.medium.com/jRbLoxh2vnb Video:https://youtu.be/kfKTNKN4Brc How does it work? Delegate with the OpenX Auto-Compound 20% APY Validator. 50% of the $ONE rewards generated market buy $OpenX. The other 50% of $ONE rewards purchase a token you select on OpenSwap. The tokens will be used to create LP tokens and automatically staked on OpenSwap Where to Delegate? The OpenX Auto-Compound 20% APY Validator is available on the Harmony staking site or OpenSwap. - Delegate on Harmony staking site: - Delegate on OpenSwap: twitter: